Do you own a wonderful mare with whom you have already achieved impressive success? Or a mare that you have grown so fond of that you can hardly imagine life without her? Or maybe even a mare with a perfect mare line and an excellent pedigree, where it would be a shame if she were the last of her line? Then now is probably the time to raise a foal from this mare.
But what do you actually have to consider for this? The mountain of questions is huge, and finding all the necessary information takes time and nerves. You want a healthy foal from a mare that is prepared for birth in the best possible way - and we know what measures you should take to achieve this and when you should implement them.
At the Behrenshof, well over 50 wonderful foals have already seen the light of day in recent years. Hopefully there will be many more!
Marion Jennissen not only completed an agricultural apprenticeship, but also a degree in agricultural engineering at the University of Bonn.
No foal has ever been born at Behrenshof without becoming a part of the Behrenshof family. We would like to pass on this passion.
With us you will learn everything you need to know to raise your first own foal. We share our experience of almost 15 years of breeding with you to ensure that you do everything possible to give your foal the best conditions to be born healthy. In addition, we will help you navigate the bureaucratic requirements - it's actually less complicated than it may first seem. We have extensive practical and academic knowledge in the following areas and many more:
As you can see, there is a lot to discuss! In our consultation, we can discuss all of the above topics and more in detail. Of course, we offer you a free initial consultation to clarify whether we can help you with your request. You can arrange a consultation appointment with us on an individual basis.
Contact us - we look forward to meeting you and your mare!